
Why Camping is Good for your Physical and Mental Health

Why Camping is Good for your Physical and Mental Health - Windgoo

       Camping provides many benefits to your body and mind. Ramble through nature will increase your daily activity levels and provide physical health. Time in the nature space also reduces your cortisol, which is often called the stress hormone. The exercise relaxes muscle tension and lowers blood pressure with increased brain activity. The scenery will boost your endorphin levels and increase dopamine production to help you be calm and happy. Besides these health benefits, camping also provides the chance for relationship building and opportunities to learn and develop new skills.  

       Camping is good for your physical health

       Camping provides many fitness benefits, and it's well documented by researchers. According to the research published by the National Library of Medicine, it states that “Physical activity in nature has been associated with enhanced mood, improvements in attentional capacity, and cognitive capacity.” (Psychol, 2017) Walking in the forests and doing outdoor activities can boost your mood and help you stay focused. It also increases your attention span and cognitive capacity. Outdoor activities will decrease depressive thoughts, and sleep outside in nature promotes our circadian rhythm, giving us high-quality sleep. Backpacking is physically demanding; setting up tents, hiking, fishing, and exploring nature are good ways to exercise to improve overall health.

        Camping is good for your mental health

        High density, heavy traffic, pollution, and crowded transport; the overstimulation of city life is highly stressful. It affects our mental health and leads to depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. That’s why spending time outdoors can help reduce stress and depression. Exposure to fresh air, sunlight, and plenty of exercise makes the body release a particular molecule called serotonin. Serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone,” is very helpful in alleviating stress and improving mood. According to research from Sheffield Hallam University, “campers have significantly higher levels of psychological, emotional, and social well-being” (Richards, 2011). Many studies have also shown that people report lowered stress levels after spending time in nature. Lower levels of stress hormones translate to a calmer mind. 

        Everyone has their reason for camping. Some enjoy connecting with nature and disconnecting from technology. Some enjoy camping with families and strengthening relationships. Some go camping to develop life skills. Some enjoy camping because it’s a traditional activity passed on from generation to generation. 

        So what’s your reason for camping? 

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